Automating Organized

Project Insights

This was a project that spanned 2 weeks. The goal was to take a rapid approach to tackling a problem, then showcase my design process to fellow designers. Due to the nature of this project, several assumptions needed to be made. During my true design process, I would have taken additional beneficial steps during the research & solutioning process. Areas that could have been explored further will be *highlighted in yellow over the next slides.

The Problem

In the world of Fraud Prevention the job of an Organized associate is to look at a list of seemingly unrelated fraud cases and then, using their attention to detail, find out who those suspects are as well as how they managed to get away with frauding the bank and multiple customers. Their job is to then put together these findings in an easy to understand way and then share it with the rest of the bank so that they are aware of what happened and can take steps towards preventing it from happening in the future.

However, manual associate driven processes are leading to a poor associate experience, as well as potential speed losses to the bank.

My Hypothesis was that by automating these manual processes into a referral queue and automating notifications to partners, it will reduce operational costs and resolution time end-to-end.

The Results

At the end of the two week project I had performed user research, wireframing, developed a high fidelity Figma prototype, and created a presentation showcasing the entire process.

After presenting to my stakeholder as well as fellow designers, the project is now going from concept to reality, and will be worked into a larger portfolio effort.

How I Got There: Maria

I would like you to meet Maria: she is a persona I created modeled off of Organized fraud associates, and the goal now was to see what her typical day looked like.

Through Maria I create a pseudo customer journey map visualized through the Organized Work Loop. By mapping out each of the referral types that Maria worked on step by step, I was able to quickly visualize Maria’s day to day.

I went this route once again in the interest of time. I was able to get most of the benefits of developing a full customer journey map, but in half the time. After this map was created the problem areas were revealed.

How I got There: Prototype

Next I worked closely with Organized associates back and forth getting their opinions on design ideas. Over the course of 1 week I developed basic wireframes for screens and a high fidelity Figma prototype that users could test.

This rapid approach was taken once again due to the nature of the project. By working directly with associates I was able to prototype and test fast. However, this project would have benefited from a design sprint with multiple partners to help identify where designs could be improved upon. This is a step that will be taken now that the work is being adopted.


Fraud Vision


Flossy Friends