About Joseph Rizzo

Crafting Digital Experiences with a
Decade of Insight

Hello there! I'm thrilled to welcome you to my world of design where creativity knows no bounds and user experiences take center stage. With over a decade of diverse roles – from a front-line call center agent to a self-taught front-end developer – I've walked in the shoes of the very users I now design for. It's this unique perspective that fuels my passion for creating seamless and impactful digital journeys.

Early Adopter, Collaborator Extraordinaire

An early adopter of cutting-edge software and hardware, I'm the kind of person who embraces innovation with open arms. I feed off the creative energy that thrives in collaborative settings, and it's in these environments that I truly shine. Constructive feedback is my North Star – I welcome it with open arms and implement it fervently to continuously refine my skills as a designer and as a person.

Connecting Dots and Delivering Excellence

My strength lies in connecting the dots – I'm adept at piecing together intricate concepts to create cohesive, user-centric designs. With me, speed doesn't mean sacrificing quality. I've mastered the art of delivering high-caliber work under pressure and tight deadlines. Adaptability is my forte, allowing me to thrive in any situation I'm thrown into.

Grit: My Unwavering Drive

Grit is my secret weapon. When I commit to a task, consider it done – I'm relentless in overcoming challenges and obstacles. Whether it's mastering a new skill, advocating for the ideal user experience, or recognizing when to seek assistance, my determination knows no bounds.

Thriving in the Corporate Arena

These strengths converge to make me an ideal fit for the corporate realm. My real-world experiences as a front-line agent have endowed me with an empathetic understanding of our target users. Collaborative environments invigorate me, ensuring seamless teamwork. My adaptability, fueled by constructive feedback, allows me to stay on a constant trajectory of growth. Even amidst deadlines, my efficiency and quality remain uncompromised.

A Glimpse into My Persona

I'm a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, embodying the perfect blend of an extroverted introvert. Collaboration and feedback are my lifeblood, though I also cherish the quiet moments of introspection. In conversations, I might take unexpected detours, but it's within these tangents that my most impactful ideas often emerge. My bubbly nature and penchant for divergent thinking make interactions with me both engaging and thought-provoking.

Designing for a Purpose: My Belief

My design philosophy is simple yet profound: by nurturing exceptional user experiences, we inevitably reap the business results we desire. Every pixel, every interaction, every element matters. When users feel valued, heard, and understood, they become the foundation of a thriving digital ecosystem.

For the UX Enthusiast:

If you're a fellow UX enthusiast seeking to enhance web and mobile digital experiences, you're in the right place. With a penchant for innovation and a deep-rooted understanding of the user, my designs are tailored to medium to large tech-focused companies. I understand the intricate interplay between design and technology, and I'm ready to make your digital dreams a reality.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Let's embark on a journey of design that's marked by collaboration, innovation, and unforgettable user experiences.

Awards and Accomplishments

  • 2019 Capital One Lead The Way Award recipient.

  • Course Directors Award Full Sail University

  • National Society of Collegiate Scholars member

  • 4.0 collegiate GPA

Hobbies and interests

My hobbies and interests, outside of the staples listed below, tend to shift with the season. I am always interested in learning and trying new things.

  • Avid gamer: PC and Playstation

  • Technology

  • Weightlifting

  • Walks with my wife and my dog

  • Photography and video production

  • Paintball