Joseph rizzo Joseph rizzo

Author Site Redesign

The goal of the redesign was to create a user-friendly website where readers could stay informed about Garmus’ latest works, and upcoming planned events, as well as to provide them with an easy means to purchase said works or RSVP to events in their area. With a revamped site, Garmus can more effectively promote her brand and engage with her audience.

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Joseph rizzo Joseph rizzo

TechStorm Case Study

For this project, I was tasked with coming up with the branding and advertisement campaign as well as a couple of interactive deliverables for a fictional consumer technology event.

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Joseph rizzo Joseph rizzo

Flossy Friends

I was responsible for building the brand for this fictional non-profit, and a few interactive deliverables that will help teach and remind children what to do during their brushing routine in the morning and evening.

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